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The Myles Julian Story

The Myles Julian Story

The Myles Julian Story

Introducing Myles Julian, born on the 31st of December 1999, to the world.

Growing up in Long Beach, California, Myles didn’t experience a prototypical childhood. Since the beginning of his life, he has been faced with overwhelming challenges and has had to overcome many near-death experiences.

Since his mother couldn’t afford to take care of him and give her complete attention to him, she opted to leave Myles in the care of his godparents. While some would crave their parents’ attention, being raised by Godparents was an immense blessing for the young Myles.

Under the affection of his Godparents, Myles was taught the way of life – the way of walking on the path of life under God’s light. He learned the intricacies and graveness of being on the right side of spiritual warfare.

While he was blessed by the gift of spiritual upbringing, Myles had been blessed by the gifts of athleticism, his refined sense of fashion, and his remarkable abilities as a student. However, these gifts came with a price because they nurtured the seeds of hatred among his peers at school, which led to him being bullied. Most of the kids around him were manipulated and guided by the hands of the devil to destroy Myles.

The intriguing part of Myles Julian’s story is that it narrates the frustrated commentary of Satan, spouted by himself. We explore the devil’s ravaging emotions when he witnesses Myles overcome his high-tiered attacks. Despite the numerous efforts by the devil, Myles stands his ground as his soul bathes in God’s light.

I would say that the devil tried to destroy Myles but instead ended up rummaging his own self.

Guided by the teachings of his Godmother, Myles is committed to rescuing teenagers from the wiles of Satan. In his soulful journey, he overcame his personal desires as he turned down the lucrative scholarships offering him to play football at major universities.

As the story of Myles’s spiritual journey continues to unfold, we remember the verse of the Bible where Jesus had a betrayer, and in Myles’s journey, Satan has a betrayer – a betrayer who will spill out his guts at revealing the horridness of the Satan to the teens. Everything that they need to know about his boss, for whom only hatred is left in his entity.

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